Thief Character Creation

    Race: Wood Elf
    Favorite Attributes: Strength And Agility
    Major Skills: Marksmen, Short Blade, Sneak, Security, Light Armor
    Minor Skills: Merchantile, Speechcraft, Long Blade, Your Choice, Your Choice
    Sign: The Thief < Cheat Code

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Cheat Codes > XBox Cheat Codes > Elder Scrolls, The: Morrowind > Thief character creation

Thief Character Creation

    Race: Wood Elf
    Favorite Attributes: Strength And Agility
    Major Skills: Marksmen, Short Blade, Sneak, Security, Light Armor
    Minor Skills: Merchantile, Speechcraft, Long Blade, Your Choice, Your Choice
    Sign: The Thief < - Elder Scrolls, The: Morrowind

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How To: Thief character creation

    Race: Wood Elf
    Favorite Attributes: Strength and Agility
    Major skills: Marksmen, Short Blade, Sneak, Security, Light Armor
    Minor skills: Merchantile, Speechcraft, Long Blade, your choice, your choice
    Sign: The Thief <

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